Northern Ireland

Regions and Counties information in Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland is a country that is part of the United Kingdom, with an area of 14,130 km2 (5,460 sq mi). The capital is Belfast, The National language is English and regional language is Irish Ulster-Scots. There are 11 regions in Northern Ireland.

General Information for Northern Ireland
Name Northern Ireland
Anthem God Save The Queen
Status Country
Capital Belfast
National Language English
Regional Language Irish Ulster-Scots
Religion Protestant/non-Roman Catholic Christian
Area 14,130 km2 (5,460 sq mi)
Population 1,876,695
Timezone Greenwich Mean Time (UTC)
Summer Timezone British Summer Time (UTC+1)

List of Places in Northern Ireland

Name Area
Poyntzpass Newry, Mourne and Down
Tattykeel Upper Fermanagh and Omagh
Eshthomas Fermanagh and Omagh
Cavanakerry Fermanagh and Omagh
Farnaconnell Fermanagh and Omagh
Tullykelter Fermanagh and Omagh
Beagho Fermanagh and Omagh
Teeshan Mid and East Antrim
Curragh Fermanagh and Omagh
Dresternan Fermanagh and Omagh

List of Areas in Northern Ireland

Name European divisions
Antrim and Newtownabbey UKN0
Ards and North Down UKN0
Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon UKN0
Belfast UKN01
Causeway Coast and Glens UKN04
Derry and Strabane UKN04
Fermanagh and Omagh UKN05
Lisburn and Castlereagh UKN02
Mid and East Antrim UKN0
Mid Ulster UKN05
Newry, Mourne and Down UKN0
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